What is it like being a private chef for an NBA star? with Ryan Lopez
Ever wonder what a professional basketball player eats? Well, we have the inside scoop! In this episode of Just a Taste, we spoke with the private chef for Kevin Durant, Chef Ryan Lopez. He explains his journey from teenage busboy to culinary graduate needing a job to, now, one of the key players in setting up the NBA Champion for success. Listen to this episode to learn all about Kevin’s favorite meal and what Chef Ryan Lopez might make if guests, like Kevin’s mom or teammate Steph Curry, were stopping by, as well as what it is like in the day of a private chef for one of the world’s biggest NBA players.
Beyond the Shelf dives into the food and beverage industry with guests from all corners of the business including founders/CEO’s, marketers, chefs, dietitians, researchers, and other influencers. Topics range from trends in retail and production to expert tips on marketing to inspiring stories from growing companies, popular chefs, and much more! From ChefsBest – taste and quality experts in the food and beverage industry.
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