What Facebook Wants Beverage Marketers to Know
It’s no secret that marketing on Facebook and Instagram is extremely important when targeting the modern consumer. Especially within the beverage industry. In a sea of products, it can be hard for brands to stand out on the shelf. But by utilizing social media, brands can connect with their consumers early on to influence purchasing behavior later on. According to Facebook, “People are continuously discovering new drinks on social platforms: 45% of people in the US who drink carbonated beverages use Facebook to interact with content related to drinks.” Whether that be through friends and family, or influencers, the modern consumer often uses social media as a jumping-off point when purchasing beverages.
Facebook recently released a research report discussing the influence that Facebook platforms have on consumer’s beverage purchases. Facebook notes that not only are consumers influenced by who they are following, but their health-conscious behaviors often affect the beverages they purchase. Marketers can use this to their advantage by highlighting their beverage’s ingredients or functional properties when promoting across social media. The following infographic provides some insight into Facebook’s findings as well as how marketers can interpret this information:
Infographic sourced from Social Media Today
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